Name of the practice: Huisartsenpraktijk Teteringsedijk
Address: Teteringsedijk 113
Zip code: 4817 MB
City: Breda
Phone number: 076 5212573 option 3
Emergency number: 076 5212573 option 1
Phone number for prescription refills: 076 5212573 option 2
Opening Hours
In the Netherlands it is not possible to go directly to the hospital for an emergency during office hours. It is required that you have a family doctor (huisarts) in the city you live in. At the moment we do not accept new registrations.
If you do not have a Dutch insurance,or otherwise have an European/World insurance, it is not possible for us to check in the system whether you are really insured or not. For that reason we ask you to pay the consultation in cash. You will receive a bill from us, which enables you to claim your costs with your own insurance company.
For a consultation we ask €29.31 . You can pay in cash or at our pin device.
If you want to make an appointment you can call the surgery between 8.00 o’clock and 11.00 o’clock. The assistant will first ask you what the reason is for your appointment , because of the schedule of the doctor. After which she will book you an appointment.
Consultations by phone
For medical questions, test results you can call the surgery for a consultation by telephone between 13.00 and 13.30 o’ clock , monday to friday. If you don’t have a Dutch insurance we will send you a bill for 14,65 euro.
Additional costs
Please keep in mind that if you don’t have a Dutch insurance you will also have to pay for blood test, x-rays/ultrasounds and medication. The bill of the tests will be sent to your home-address, medication you will have to pay directly at the pharmacy. Sometimes it is possible to get a refund from your insurance company, please contact your insurance company for further information.
After 17.00 o’ clock and in the weekend
If you need a doctor after 17.00 o’ clock and in the weekend for an emergency or an urgent problem that can’t wait until the next day, you can call the Huisartsenpost Breda on Phone number: 076 525 85 00.
Prescription refills
If you use chronic medication that we know of, you can call us for prescription refills (option 2; record your message including your name, date of birth, medication, farmacy)
During our holidays at office hours you can call the surgery of the doctors shown on our website .
If you need a doctor after 17.00 o’ clock and in the weekend for an emergency or an urgent problem that can’t wait until the next working day, you can call the Huisartsenpost Breda at Phone number: 076 525 85 00.